DEC ALPHA or VAX VMS Consultant Rates

VMS Software Consulting performed by DEC
Certified VMS Senior Systems Software Engineers...
VARx Provides ALPHA and VAX VMS consulting services nationwide
for short term or long term projects
DEC Certified Senior Systems Support...
$150 per hour travel to and from site...
$350 per hour onsite Monday to Friday 8AM to 5PM...
$450 per hour after hours, W/Es or Holidays...
Slightly more for Major Metropolitan areas
Consulting by High Level VMS Cluster Consultants
Customer Confidence in DEC Review Board certification
VARx Incorporated provides Consulting Services on DEC VAX and ALPHA
VMS Systems, Clusters, and Networks.
We pride ourselves in good old fashioned honest quality service.
Travel charges waved for medium or long term projects.
Software consulting also available through secure dial out ports
VMS Consulting second to none in the industry